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Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

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veteran hearing loss
Technology May Lessen the Blow of Veteran Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be a tough pill to swallow initially, but modern solutions make it easier to live with than ever before.

Hearing loss and tinnitus are common in the military, and they can be as difficult for service members and Veterans to cope with as any other permanent service-related condition.

However, technological advancements are making it easier for Veterans to live with hearing loss than it was for their parents or grandparents who served. However, Veterans may not be aware of all the resources available to manage hearing loss...or just how much they’ve progressed in recent years.

Sorenson’s own Steve DeMari, audiologist and CaptionCall team member, contributed this piece to Stars and Stripes about how spreading awareness of modern solutions — from the latest hearing aid tech to smartphone apps — may alleviate anxiety about hearing loss: