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Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

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News and updates about Sorenson VRS products and features and the Deaf community

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Hearing loss news and trends for hearing health professionals

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News and updates about living well with hearing loss and getting the most out of CaptionCall and CaptionCall Mobile

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News and resources for VA audiologists and Veteran service providers

Support Friends and Family with Hearing Loss
You know better than most how hard it can be to live with hearing loss without treatment or assistive technology. You can help the people you care about get solutions sooner rather than later.

Raise your hand if you know someone (besides yourself) with hearing loss. 🙋 Now raise your hand if you know someone with hearing loss who stubbornly refuses to get help for it. 🙋 We all do. Roughly 15% of American adults have hearing loss and many don’t even realize how much they’re missing until they get treatment and see the difference.

Putting off getting help for hearing loss

On average, it takes about seven years from when someone notices they’re losing their hearing to do something about it. That’s a long time to struggle, and the frustration of being unable to communicate with people because of hearing loss often leads to social isolation, especially among older folks. We talk about how common this is — and the serious health risks it poses — in our blog: Social Isolation Among Seniors with Hearing Loss

The good news is you’re a trustworthy source of support for your hard-of-hearing loved ones because you understand what they’re going through: worries about the stigma of hearing loss, anxiety about going to a hearing health provider, and concerns about the cost of treatment.

Hearing loss is more common than most people realize

A lot of people worry what others will think about their hearing loss, and they may be surprised how many are going through the same thing. The World Health Organization reports 1 out of every 5 people around the world have hearing loss, and numbers are going up, especially among younger people.

Financial assistance for hearing treatment is available

Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance may make hearing health treatment more affordable, from office visits to hearing aids (depending on your plan and where you live). Even if your insurance won’t cover those costs, there are programs and organizations across the country that can help people in need get discounts or financial aid for hearing aids. You can find more information here.

Anyone who qualifies can get CaptionCall without a bill or an exam

As you know, call captioning can make a big difference for people with hearing loss who can’t hear their phone calls. And because it doesn’t cost them anything and doesn’t require going to a doctor, CaptionCall can be the easiest step for people who are hesitant to seek help. If your friends or family need captioned phone calls because of their hearing loss, tell them about CaptionCall landline service and CaptionCall Mobile.