Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

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age-related hearing loss
Study Gives Hope of Reversing Age-Related Hearing Loss
Scientists may be closer to restoring hearing for some people.

There are a variety of reasons people lose their hearing, but it’s especially common for hearing to deteriorate with age. For some people, it’s genetic, and there’s nothing they can do to prevent it or reverse it. But that may not always be the case.

Researchers in Boston recently made a breakthrough in using gene therapies to treat genetic hearing loss in mice. They’re hoping their findings will translate to addressing hearing loss in humans.

You can read more about the research here.

In the meantime, you have lots of options to live well with hearing loss, including CaptionCall and CaptionCall Mobile. You can try some of the best apps on the market for hearing loss for convenience right on your smartphone.

Hearing aids have come a long way and are more discreet, comfortable, and advanced than even a few years ago. If your doctor recommends them, or if you think they might help, they’re worth a try for your quality of life and long-term health. Take it from one man who waited decades to get hearing aids: Overcoming Hearing Loss Worries