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You may know your family members’ phone numbers by heart, but what about your neighbor? Or a more recent friend you just met? Or your doctor’s office?
With the CaptionCall phone, you can save and easily access your contacts for faster calling and to quickly recognize incoming calls from known numbers.
Let’s review the three most important CaptionCall Contacts features:
You can add contacts manually by following these steps:
If you had to guess, how many contacts do you have saved in your address book? Now, how many do you actually use on a regular basis?
Scrolling through your entire address book to find one of those contacts can be frustrating. That’s why your CaptionCall phone enables you to mark them as a Favorite to pin them to the top of your Contacts list.
Manual entry isn’t the only way to add contacts to your CaptionCall phone. If you get a call from a number you’d like to save, you can do so in a few simple steps:
Sorenson VRS is only available if you are eligible for VRS and have registered in the FCC’s User Registration Database. The cost of VRS is paid by a federally administered fund. Accordingly, use of Sorenson VRS calling for video conferencing is subject to compliance with FCC regulations and Sorenson’s VRS EULA. Under federal law, you may use VRS only if you have a speech or hearing disability and need VRS in order to communicate. Also, call participants must be in a different location than the other individuals on the call.
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