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Getting Captioned Phone Calls Without Internet
Lack of high-speed internet doesn’t mean eligible patients can’t get call captioning. Hard-of-hearing people on a fixed income or living in a rural area can still use CaptionCall.

Did you know that approximately 42 million Americans still don't have high-speed internet? This is critical to using IP CTS (Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service), which typically requires an internet connection. However, CaptionCall can offer call captioning without home internet service or a second phone line.

Depending on where someone lives, an internet connection can be difficult to obtain. Not to mention, it can simply be too expensive for lower income households or those living on a limited budget. About four-in-ten adults with a household income lower than $30K per year do not have home broadband services.

Our blog breaks down who can get a closed caption phone and how CaptionCall delivers reliable call captions without home internet service.

Read “Can You Get a Captioned Telephone without Internet Access?” here »