Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

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News and updates about Sorenson VRS products and features and the Deaf community

« Hearing Health Providers News

Hearing loss news and trends for hearing health professionals

« Hard-of-Hearing News

News and updates about living well with hearing loss and getting the most out of CaptionCall and CaptionCall Mobile

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News and resources for VA audiologists and Veteran service providers

Four Ways Your Account Manager Can Help
When you partner with CaptionCall, we’re a team. You can count on your Account Manager to be there when you need anything.

Here are four reasons to call your AM (not that you need an excuse — we love talking to you!): 

  1. Trouble with your demo phone. Has your phone seen better days since you first started referring eligible patients? Did an excited patient get a little overzealous? If you ever need troubleshooting or a replacement demo phone, your AM can help! You’ll be back to demoing in no time.  
  2. Learning CaptionCall features. Maybe you can’t quite remember where to find a certain setting or you heard about something new at our last event. Either way, your AM can talk you through all the latest features (and the classic ones, too!).  
  3. Tips on how to demonstrate features to patients. Our team is deeply familiar with how your eligible patients use CaptionCall every day. We’ve learned which features get them most excited and why. Your AM is happy to share that knowledge with you so that you can have conversations that will resonate about how call captioning will help them with their hearing loss. 
  4. Scheduling a CEU. CaptionCall by Sorenson provides continuing education opportunities for audiologists, office staff, and other hearing health professionals. You can sign up through Audiology Online or contact your AM about accessing our CEU courses

Your Account Manager has a lot of knowledge and support to offer, so never hesitate to reach out to them. Want to get to know more of our Team? 
 Get to know Account Manager Casey Lipscomb and Trainer Donna Duggins.