Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

« Deaf Community News

News and updates about Sorenson VRS products and features and the Deaf community

« Hearing Health Providers News

Hearing loss news and trends for hearing health professionals

« Hard-of-Hearing News

News and updates about living well with hearing loss and getting the most out of CaptionCall and CaptionCall Mobile

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News and resources for VA audiologists and Veteran service providers

CEU Training Options
Sorenson offers courses to earn your CEUs online and even in person for groups

Did you know you can get CEU trainings straight from Sorenson? While Sorenson CEU trainings are available on Audiology Online, you can also access them by asking your account manager. Your account manager can get you Sorenson’s CEU presentations or access to trainings by webinar.

If you have a large group, you can even arrange for a regional training through your account manager.