Service Description

Sorenson Express

Sorenson Express is a videoconferencing platform that provides on-demand video remote sign language interpreting services to deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Users connect to interpreters by logging into the platform and following connection instructions, without the need to schedule the services in advance.

  1. Service Entitlement. Customer may use Sorenson Express for the number of hours (“Monthly Usage”) or number of physical locations (each a “Site”) as set forth on the Service Order. Customer’s Monthly Usage will be calculated in the aggregate based upon all users authorized on Customer’s account. Any unused hours in the Monthly Usage allotment will not roll over to the following month. Customer will specify the number of logins and/or the specific Sites required for Customer’s use of Sorenson Express. Sorenson Express is available 24×7, 365 days per year.
  2. Accessing Sorenson Express.  Customer may access Sorenson Express via supported browsers, the Sorenson Express application, which can be installed on an iOS or Android device, or additional platforms, as they are made available by Sorenson. Sorenson Express requires connection to computer systems running validly licensed copies of third-party programs over an internet-based wireless network. Customer assumes responsibility for the provision of internet connectivity sufficient to operate Sorenson Express.
  3. Fee Structure.  Sorenson Express is a subscription-based service. Customer will be invoiced in arrears for the prior month’s subscription and any overages. Customer will be charged for either: (a) the number of hours set forth in the Monthly Usage hours in the Service Order even if Customer does not use all of the Monthly Usage hours in that month (“Monthly Usage Subscriptions”), or (b) the number of Sites set forth in the Service Order even if Customer does not use Sorenson Express at any of the Sites in that month (“Site Subscriptions”). For Monthly Usage Subscriptions, Sorenson Express usage in any given month in excess of the Monthly Usage hours in the Service Order will be billed at the specified overage rates set forth in the Service Order. For Site Subscriptions, Customer will be charged a monthly per-Site fee based on the number of Sites in tiers of 1, 2-3, 4-5, or 6+, as well as for Sorenson Express usage in any given month at the specified rates set forth in the Service Order. Usage for Site Subscriptions will be billed on a per-minute basis.
  4. Setup Fee.  Sorenson may charge a one-time setup fee to cover account setup and training, as set forth in the Service Order.
  5. Customer Support.  Customer support for account or service-related issues is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am – 6:00pm MST. Technical support is available 24×7, 365 days per year. For questions about new service lines, contract renewals, invoicing, etc., email us at [email protected].

Video Remote Interpreting

Video Remote Interpreting (“VRI”) is a real-time video telecommunication service that uses devices such as web cameras or videophones to provide sign language interpreting services. VRI is used when the deaf and hearing individuals are either physically located in the same or different room, and an offsite interpreter provides interpreting services remotely via the Customer’s preferred meeting platform that is supported by Sorenson (“Meeting Platform”).

  1. Service Entitlement.  VRI may be purchased as a set number of hours or as a subscription service under a Service Order. VRI services will be scheduled in advance on an ad hoc basis or as part of the subscription service. Users have the right to access and use VRI on the Customer’s Meeting Platform for the allotted duration provided in the Service Order. If specified on the Service Order, VRI may be used as a substitute service if Onsite Interpreting is not available or logistically possible, subject to the limitations of the Onsite Interpreting service entitlement set forth on the Service Order. VRI services are available, 24×7, 365 days per year.
  2. Accessing VRI.  In order to schedule VRI services, Customer will use the link provided in the Sorenson ‘Welcome Kit’ email. VRI services must be scheduled at least two business days in advance in order to avoid rush fees.  VRI is offered via Customer’s Meeting Platform, and Customer will provide the applicable meeting link to the interpreter via Sorenson’s scheduling platform.
  3. Fee Structure.
    1. Subscription Scheduled VRI. Subscription Scheduled VRI is a subscription-based service that provides Customer an aggregate amount of hours to utilize scheduled VRI services in a given month, and any usage in any given month in excess of those hours will be billed at the specified overage rates set forth in the Service Order. Customer will be invoiced in arrears for the prior month’s subscription and any overages. Customer will be charged for the number of hours set forth in the Monthly Usage hours in the Service Order even if Customer does not use all of the Monthly Usage hours in that month.
    2. Specialty Scheduled VRI. Specialty Scheduled VRI usage in any given month will be billed per  hour, at the specified rates set forth in the Service Order. Customer will be invoiced in arrears for the prior month’s usage and any overages. Amounts invoiced and paid will be deducted from the Specialty Services Total outlined in the Service Order. Any excess balance not deducted from the Specialty Services Total will be invoiced annually.
  4. Setup Fee.  Sorenson may charge a one-time setup fee to cover account setup and training, as set forth in the Service Order.
  5. Customer Support.  Customer support for service-related issues is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am – 6:00pm MST. For questions about new service lines, contract renewals, invoicing, etc., email us at [email protected].
  6. Additional Terms.   
    1. Notice of Recording Required.  Customer must notify Sorenson at the time of booking if Customer intends to video or audio record an interpreter, include an interpreter in any livestream feed, or photograph an interpreter, in each case whether for external or internal use. If Customer fails to provide notice in advance, the assigned interpreter may need to be replaced at an additional expense.
    2. Specialized Interpreting. Specialized interpreting will incur an additional hourly fee and includes, but is not limited to, the following topics, settings, interactions, or requirements: Legal, Trilingual, Mental Health, DeafBlind, Deaf Interpreter support, Customer/Consumer demands or regulatory requirements for unique certifications or qualifications, Customer/Consumer demands for cultural matching, and high visibility service provision (e.g., livestreaming to public).
    3. No Shows.  Interpreters will wait up to fifteen (15) minutes for all parties to appear at a meeting. If the meeting participants do not appear without communicating in advance the reason for the delay or anticipated time of arrival, Sorenson will consider the meeting canceled and will bill Customer for the time the interpreter was reserved.
    4. Number of Interpreters.  Certain interpreting assignments may require more than one interpreter, such as continuous lecturing for periods over an hour, multi-party meetings, general engagements over 2 hours in length, legal proceedings of any duration, recorded assignments, or in cases where a client does not possess fluency in American Sign Language. In a situation where multiple interpreters are required, Customer is responsible for payment of fees related to each interpreter for the Services provided.

Onsite Interpreting 

Onsite Interpreting is a specialty service that provides in-person, real-time sign language interpreting to facilitate communication between deaf or hard of hearing individuals and their hearing counterparts.  All participants are provided the most interactive and inclusive experience through Onsite Interpreting by allowing discussion without delay and enabling interpreters to convey cultural norms of body language and nonverbal cues face-to-face.

  1. Service Entitlement. Onsite Interpreting services will be provided in-person at Customer’s specified location and can be scheduled for any time, 24×7, 365 days per year.
  2. Accessing Onsite Interpreting.  In order to schedule Onsite Interpreting services, Customer will use the link provided in the Sorenson ‘Welcome Kit’ email. Onsite Interpreting must be scheduled at least two business days in advance in order to avoid rush fees. Customers must provide the applicable onsite interpreting details to the interpreter via Sorenson’s scheduling platform. If specified on the Service Order, VRI may be used as a substitute service if Onsite Interpreting is not available or logistically possible, subject to the limitations of the Onsite Interpreting service entitlement set forth on the Service Order.
  3. Fee Structure.  Onsite Interpreting usage in any given month will be billed at the specified rates set forth in the Service Order. Amounts invoiced and paid will be deducted from the Specialty Services Total outlined in the Service Order. Any excess balance not deducted from the Specialty Services Total will be invoiced annually.
  4. Customer Support.  Customer support for service-related issues is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am – 6:00pm MST. For questions about new service lines, contract renewals, invoicing, etc., email us at [email protected].
  5. Additional Terms. 
    1. Notice of Recording Required.  Customer must notify Sorenson at the time of booking if Customer intends to video or audio record an interpreter, include an interpreter in any livestream feed, or photograph an interpreter, in each case whether for external or internal use. If Customer fails to provide notice in advance, the assigned interpreter may need to be replaced at an additional expense.
    2. Specialized Interpreting. Specialized interpreting will incur an additional hourly fee and includes, but is not limited to, the following topics, settings, interactions, or requirements: Legal, Trilingual, Mental Health, Customer/Consumer demands or regulatory requirements for unique certifications or qualifications, and high visibility service provision (e.g., livestreaming to public).
    3. Over-time.  When a specific interpreter is requested by Customer to be available in excess of maximum overtime durations set by local, state, or federal labor law, Customer will incur additional fees for those hours at the same rate of increase as required by those laws.
    4. No Shows.  Interpreters will wait up to fifteen (15) minutes for all parties to appear at a meeting. If the meeting participants do not appear without communicating in advance the reason for the delay or anticipated time of arrival, Sorenson will consider the meeting canceled and will bill Customer for the time the interpreter was reserved plus any applicable travel.
    5. Number of Interpreters.  Certain interpreting assignments may require more than one interpreter, such as continuous lecturing for periods over an hour, multi-party meetings, general engagements over 2 hours in length, legal proceedings of any duration, recorded assignments, or in cases where a client does not possess fluency in American Sign Language. In a situation where multiple interpreters are required, Customer is responsible for payment of fees related to each interpreter for the Services provided.

Sorenson Express Machine Translation

The Sorenson Express Machine Translation service (“Express MT”) is Sorenson’s real time language translation service that enables the translation of spoken communication from one language into another language.

  1. Service Entitlement. Express MT is a subscription service that allows for access to the Express MT by a user on a subscription basis. The number of users authorized to access Express MT will be set forth in the Service Order.
  2. Accessing Sorenson Express.  Customer may access Express MT via supported browsers, the Sorenson Express application, which can be installed on an iOS or Android device or additional platforms, as they are made available by Sorenson. Express MT requires connection to computer systems running validly licensed copies of third-party programs over an internet-based wireless network. Customer assumes responsibility for the provision of internet connectivity sufficient to operate Express MT.
  3. Fee Structure.  Express MT is a subscription-based service based on the number of users in Customer’s organization that are subscribed to Express MT. Customer will be charged for the number of users set forth in the Service Order on a monthly basis and will be invoiced in arrears for the prior month’s subscription.
  4. Setup Fee.  Sorenson may charge a one-time setup fee to cover account setup and training, as set forth in the Service Order.
  5. Customer Support.  Customer support for account or service-related issues is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am – 6:00pm MST. Technical support is available 24×7, 365 days per year. For questions about new service lines, contract renewals, invoicing, etc., email us at [email protected].

Sorenson Forum 

Sorenson Forum is a service that provides real time speech-to-text captioning, language translation, and text-to-speech audio between a host/presenter and participants at a meeting, event, or conference. Each person in the audience can access interpreting and captions in up to 25 languages in real time on their own laptop or mobile device.

  1. Service Entitlement. Sorenson Forum is a subscription service that allows Customer to utilize an aggregate number of monthly allotted service hours, custom glossary words, and permanent rooms as determined by the Customer’s chosen subscription plan and as set forth in the Service Order. Any usage in any given month in excess of those hours, or custom glossary words will be billed at the specified overage rates set forth in the Service Order. Customer will be invoiced in arrears for the prior month’s subscription and any overages. Customer will be charged for the number of hours, custom glossary words, and permanent rooms in the Service Order even if Customer does not use all of the entitlement in that month.
  2. Accessing Sorenson Forum.  End Users may access Sorenson Forum via supported web browser, iOS mobile, or Android mobile platforms (iOS and Android versions each referred to herein as the “Sorenson Forum App”). Sorenson Forum requires a stable dedicated internet-based network connection. Customer is responsible for the cost and provision of internet connectivity sufficient to operate Sorenson Forum and the use of Sorenson Forum by Customer and its End Users. To use the Sorenson Forum App to access Sorenson Forum, Customer and End Users must have a mobile device that is compatible with the applicable Sorenson Forum App. Sorenson does not warrant that the Sorenson Forum App will be compatible with Customer’s or its End Users’ mobile devices. Customer and its End Users may use mobile data in connection with the use of Sorenson Forum and may incur additional charges from Customer’s or the End User’s wireless provider for the use of Sorenson Forum, and Customer (and its End Users) are solely responsible for any such charges. Customer acknowledges that Sorenson may from time-to-time issue upgraded versions of the Sorenson Forum App and may automatically electronically upgrade the version of the Sorenson Forum App that Customer (and Customer’s End Users) are using on their mobile device, and Customer consents to receiving automatic upgrades on its mobile device(s).  Sorenson will provide a session-based QR code, link or unique ID for Customer’s End Users to access Sorenson Forum.
  3. Fee Structure.  Sorenson Forum is a subscription-based service charged monthly based on the subscription plan (e.g. Basic, Pro, Premium or Platinum) identified in the Service Order. Customer will be charged a regular monthly fee in advance based on Customer’s chosen subscription plan and will be invoiced in arrears for any overages incurred in the prior month.
  4. Setup Fee.  Sorenson may charge a one-time setup fee to cover account setup and training, as set forth in the Service Order.
  5. Customer Support.  Customer support for account or service-related issues is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am – 6:00pm MST. Technical support is available 24×7, 365 days per year. For questions about new service lines, contract renewals, invoicing, etc., email us at [email protected].
  6. Additional Terms.
    1. Third-Party Networks. Sorenson shall not be responsible for any inability to perform Services to the extent caused by failure of networks outside of Sorenson’s management and control.
    2. Customer Content. THE SORENSON FORUM APP AND SORENSON FORUM SERVICE MAY PROVIDE CUSTOMER WITH THE ABILITY TO SAVE CERTAIN TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING WORDS AND PHRASES, (“SAVED CONTENT“), HOWEVER SORENSON EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR THE LOSS OR DAMAGE TO ANY SAVED CONTENT OR ANY LOSSES OR DAMAGES CUSTOMER INCURS AS A RESULT OF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY SAVED CONTENT. Customer understands that Sorenson Forum is intended for live transcription and translation to a group audience and agree that (notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement) any Customer Content submitted to Sorenson Forum may be heard or viewed by Customer’s End Users, or by any member the public in general who obtains the applicable session code, link or unique ID. As such, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Customer Content is not considered to be confidential. Customer agrees not to transmit or submit Customer Content in which Customer has any expectation of privacy or confidentiality. Final transcripts will be delivered to Customer within 60 days following the end of the event, and Customer understands and agrees that Sorenson is not obligated to retain or store transcripts after delivery.
    3. Modifications. Sorenson reserves the right to modify or discontinue Sorenson Forum or any feature or functionality thereof at any time without notice to Customer, provided that Sorenson will not make changes to Sorenson Forum that materially reduce the functionality that Customer has purchased during the applicable committed term.

Sorenson Events 

Sorenson offers a full suite of services to Customers hosting large scale events, which includes Sorenson Forum, Sorenson Express, Onsite Interpreting, event-related professional services and equipment rental. To qualify as an Event there must be an audience of: (a) at least 50 total participants (virtual or on-site, in the aggregate) AND/OR (b) concurrent sessions, where multiple interpreters are needed at the same time (e.g. breakout sessions). Examples of Events include meetings, conferences, musical performances or theatrical performances.

  1. Service Options. The pricing, access, and other applicable terms will vary depending on the Services requested for the event. Services available for Events include:
    1.   Sorenson Forum for Events:
      1. Sorenson Forum is a service that provides real time speech-to-text captioning, language translation, and text-to-speech audio between a host/presenter and participants at a meeting, event, or conference (“Sorenson Forum for Events”). Sorenson Forum for Events includes a single host account (one host per Event) and up to the number of hours set forth in the Service Order for the Event. Any unused hours will not be cancellable or refundable.
      2. End Users may access the Sorenson Forum via supported web browser, or the Sorenson Forum App for iOS mobile, or Android mobile platforms. Sorenson Forum for Events requires a stable dedicated internet-based network connection. Customer is responsible for the cost and provision of internet connectivity sufficient to operate Sorenson Forum for Events and the use of Sorenson Forum for Events by Customer and its End Users. To use the Sorenson Forum App to access Sorenson Forum for Events, Customer and End Users must have a mobile device that is compatible with the applicable Sorenson Forum App. Sorenson does not warrant that the Sorenson Forum App will be compatible with Customer’s or its End Users’ mobile devices. Customer and its End Users may use mobile data in connection with the use of Sorenson Forum for Events and may incur additional charges from Customer’s or the End User’s wireless provider for the use of Sorenson Forum for Events, and Customer (and its End Users) are solely responsible for any such charges. Customer acknowledges that Sorenson may from time-to-time issue upgraded versions of the Sorenson Forum App and may automatically electronically upgrade the version of the Sorenson Forum App that Customer (and Customer’s End Users) are using on their mobile device, and Customer consents to receiving automatic upgrades on its mobile device(s).  Sorenson will provide a session-based QR code, link or unique ID for Customer’s End Users to access Sorenson Forum for Events.
      3. Sorenson reserves the right to modify or discontinue Sorenson Forum for Events or any feature or functionality thereof at any time without notice to Customer, provided that Sorenson will not make changes to Sorenson Forum for Events that materially reduce the functionality that Customer has purchased during an Event.
      4. THE APP AND SERVICES MAY PROVIDE CUSTOMER WITH THE ABILITY TO SAVE CERTAIN TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING WORDS AND PHRASES, (“SAVED CONTENT“), HOWEVER SORENSON EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR THE LOSS OR DAMAGE TO ANY SAVED CONTENT OR ANY LOSSES OR DAMAGES CUSTOMER INCURS AS A RESULT OF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY SAVED CONTENT. Customer understands that Sorenson Forum for Events are intended for live transcription and translation to a group audience and agree that (notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement) any Customer Content submitted to Sorenson Forum for Events may be heard or viewed by Customer’s End Users, or by any member the public in general who obtains the applicable session code, link or unique ID. As such, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Customer Content is not considered to be confidential. Customer agrees not to transmit or submit Customer Content in which Customer has any expectation of privacy or confidentiality. Final transcripts will be delivered to Customer within 60 days following the end of the event, and Customer understands and agrees that Sorenson is not obligated to retain or store transcripts after delivery.
    2. Sorenson Express.  If set forth in a Service Order, Customer and its End Users may use Sorenson Express for the number of hours set forth in the Service Order for the Event (“Event Usage”). Customer’s Event Usage will be calculated in the aggregate based upon all End Users that accessed Sorenson Express during the Event. Any unused Event Usage hours will not be refundable or cancellable. If Customer has a monthly subscription to Sorenson Express, such monthly subscription is a separate subscription than the Sorenson Express for Events services. Customer will be issued separate Credentials for Sorenson Express for the Event, and Customer’s monthly subscription cannot be used at or for the Event. Any Event Usage will not count towards the Monthly Usage and vice versa. Customer is responsible for the cost and provision of internet connectivity sufficient to operate the Sorenson Express and the use of Sorenson Express by its End Users.
    3. Onsite Interpreting. Onsite interpreting services can also be available at the Event. If set forth in a Service Order, Customer and its End Users may use Onsite interpreting services for the number of hours set forth in the Service Order for the Event. Onsite interpreting services will be charged as set forth in the Service Order. Certain interpreting sessions may require more than one interpreter. In a situation where multiple interpreters are required, Customer is responsible for payment of fees related to each interpreter for the onsite interpreting services provided.
    4. Event Equipment Setup. Sorenson offers an equipment set-up package as part of the Event, which may include Customer or Sorenson furnished laptop(s), smartphone(s), tablet(s), and audiovisual equipment (the “Equipment”). Sorenson charges an Equipment Setup fee for the Event based on the number of rooms as set forth in the Service Order. As between Sorenson and Customer, Sorenson or its lessors retain all right, title and interest in and to any Equipment provided by Sorenson. Sorenson will manage the shipping and operation of the Equipment on Customer’s behalf; provided that Customer agrees to use reasonable efforts to prevent any damage, loss, or other injury to any Sorenson-provided Equipment. Customer shall not remove any labels on the Sorenson-provided Equipment, and Customer shall not encumber the Sorenson-provided Equipment in any manner. Customer understands that. at minimum , use of Sorenson Forum for Events requires a host device (i.e. a supported laptop, smartphone or tablet with the Forum App installed), internet access necessary for Sorenson to operate the Equipment at the Event site and for participants to access Sorenson Forum for Events, and audiovisual equipment which will vary depending upon the Event site capabilities and Customer needs.
    5. Event Professional Services Package. Sorenson offers a professional service package for Events which include event coordination, event technicians, event administration and other professional services. Professional services may include planning, glossary set-up, system set-up and testing, monitoring and support, system disassembly and return and transcription delivery. Professional services will be charged based on the number of Sorenson personnel required to perform the services. The number of Sorenson personnel and the fees to be charged for the professional services for an Event will be set forth in the Service Order
  2. Fee Structure.  Customers will be invoiced per the Service Order. Unless otherwise specified in a Service Order, Sorenson will invoice Customer for 50% of the total fees under the applicable Service Order within 5 days of the fully executed Service Order and the remaining fees (and any additional fees or overages) will be invoiced within 30 days after the Event.
  3. Cancellation Policy.  Customers may cancel the Sorenson Event Services (in whole and not in part) any time prior to the Event Dates indicated in the Service Order; provided that any amounts invoiced prior to cancellation shall not be refundable nor cancellable. If Customer cancels the Event Services 7 or less days prior to the Event Dates, then Sorenson shall invoice (and Customer shall pay) any and all non-cancellable costs incurred by Sorenson for the Event prior to cancellation. Any such charges shall be invoiced within 30 days following cancellation.
  4. Customer Support.  Customer support for service-related issues is available Monday through Friday, 6:00am – 6:00pm MST. For questions about new service lines, contract renewals, invoicing, etc., email us at [email protected].
  5. Additional Terms. Sorenson shall not be responsible for any inability to perform Services to the extent caused by failure of networks outside of Sorenson’s management and control.


Last Updated October 2024