Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

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News and updates about Sorenson VRS products and features and the Deaf community

« Hearing Health Providers News

Hearing loss news and trends for hearing health professionals

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News and updates about living well with hearing loss and getting the most out of CaptionCall and CaptionCall Mobile

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News and resources for VA audiologists and Veteran service providers

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Sorenson Ambassador
We’re so excited about our new Ambassador Program.

We already have 31 members – and you’ll be hearing about them soon – but we have room for some more! We’re on the lookout for other Sorenson superfans from all over the U.S., including Puerto Rico.
Keep an eye out next month for a video introducing our first Ambassadors.
One of them was so happy he couldn’t wait for the video. We love to see it 😍


See what’s involved and apply here!