Sorenson Video Relay Service, Sorenson VRS

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How to Turn on Closed Captioning for TV Shows and Movies
In this guide, we show you how to turn captions on across the most popular streaming services, paid TV providers, and streaming devices.

Hearing loss doesn’t have to affect how you enjoy entertainment. Take captions beyond your phone calls and start using them while watching your favorite movies and TV shows.

Whether you pay for cable through Xfinity or Cox, or stream through Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Apple TV, closed captioning is available for all these services and many more. Once you get captions set up, you won’t miss a moment of dialogue.

You'll get hooked on using captions during TV time...whether you’re hard-of-hearing or Deaf, or when the dog barks, the kids holler, or outside noise tries to get in the way of your program. 

Read our full guide on setting up captions for your streaming service or Pay TV here