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When interacting with interpreters, you can often tell they care about the work they do and about doing the best job they can. But do you know why?

Patrice and Lori, two of our awesome Sorenson interpreters, each shared an experience that spotlighted why they are passionate about what they do.
Patrice’s transcript
(White female with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a black shirt)
Patrice: Some time ago, I took a three year educational interpreting certificate program, and for three summers I flew out to Colorado. Well, during that first summer, I stayed in the dorm.
I got this call saying, “This is Sorenson Video Relay Service, this is dad.”
And through the interpreter, dad explained, “I have a video phone and I could sign,” but I didn’t really get it, we just talked briefly.
Later on, I met with my Deaf professor and I said, “Do you know what the Sorenson thing is, and video phone?”
And she says, “Well, yes, I have one in my office.” And I’m looking at this equipment, and she’s explaining that it required high speed internet, but I didn’t really get it.
So, she says, “Do you want to call your dad through the video phone?” And later on, I called dad and we set it up for dad to call my professor’s video phone a week later.
Well, time passed, and I met with my professor in the hallway and she said, “Someone wants to see you.”
I said, “Okay,” we go into the doorway and I see my dad. Oh my word! I just cried, I couldn’t believe I could see my dad! I just wanted to reach in and give dad the biggest hug, we chatted for an hour and a half.
Well, that really impacted my life, and later on, I became an interpreter for Sorenson. I just really wish that mom could have seen me on the video phone, as dad did.
End Patrice transcript
Lori transcript
(White female with short reddish/blond hair, wearing glasses and short-sleeve black shirt)
Lori: One of the most profound moments I’ve experienced happened during a conversation with a hearing mother and a Deaf daughter. The exchange flowed beautifully.
When the Deaf daughter hung up, the mother thanked me, and expressed that this is the first time she’s ever been able to talk to her daughter on the phone.
In that moment, it just struck me. That this is why I’m so passionate about this job. Being the bridge that connects people, facilitates communication and understanding, fills my heart with warmth and purpose.
End Lori transcript
Patrice and Lori are two of Sorenson’s many interpreters who love what they do. If you have the same passion and think you have what it takes, we’d love to have you on our team!
Yes, we mean Deaf Interpreters, too. Interested? Check out opportunities to interpret with Sorenson.